外媒评测| “一台参考级别的耳放” SP400耳放客观指标评测
发布日期:2021-01-21 浏览量:2276

这是一篇来自于ASR(Audio Science Review,音频科学评测)的评测。ASR是由前微软数字媒体副总裁Amir Majidimehr创办的一个音频设备客观主观评测的平台,具有很浓厚的工程师文化背景。

本篇文章由ASR的站长Amirm(前文提到Amir Majidimehr的站内ID)撰写。这篇文章从音频测量指标分析了双木三林 SP400 THX旗舰耳放的优异表现,提供了一个客观可信的参考角度。查看原文链接,请点击文章底部左下角的“阅读原文”。

This is a review and detailed measurements of the SMSL SP400 balanced THX headphone amplifier. It was kindly sent to me by one of their dealers, shenzhenaudio. It costs US $630 from them.


The SP400 makes an attempt at luxury with glossy plexiglass top and digital display:


As you see, there are no controls on SP400. Everything is menu driven including input selection and gain. If you use multiple headphones with different gain requirements, having to switch that using the menu can be a bit of a hassle. Fortunately there is a mitigating factor as you will see in the measurements.


One main distinguishing feature is that there is remote control and relay based R2R implementation. This should assure very good channel balance -- something that we will check later. It costs a lot to implement this feature though and that is reflected in the cost.


Forgot the picture of the back:


SMSL SP400 Measurements

SMSL SP400 指标测量

As usual with balanced input amps, let's feed the SP400 4 volts over its XLR input and ask for the same output over 1/4 HP jack:


Distortion is stunningly low at nearly -140 dB so noise dominates our SINAD to the tune of 120:

失真极其低,低至约-140 dB,并且信纳比(SINAD)因此也低至120.

Please don't sweat one or two dB in this graph. That said, signal to noise ratio for low 50 mv output is a bit lower than it should be:


Frequency response is of course rule flat to beyond 100 kHz:


Measuring power into 300 ohm load shows that the different gain settings have almost no performance difference other than available amount of power:


Some other amps that get the best signal to noise ratio (and SINAD) tend to have a low gain mode with better performance. Here, the three modes are almost the same so I would just use the highest gain setting and be done with it. It is not like it impacts the channel balance as you will see later.


Note that the first generation Massdrop THX 789 is bested in noise department.

我们注意到,第一代的Massdrop THX 789在噪声表现上,被SP400超越了。

Using balanced headphone jack we naturally get more power:


You have nearly 700 milliwatts which power just about any high impedance headphone.


Switching to 32 ohm load we get similar picture:


For consistency with previous tests, here is balanced not at 32 ohm but 50:

We basically have a speaker amplifier with 4 watts of power with both channels driven.


Using our latest test to check for load dependency we get:


As you see, the amp does not care if the load is changed. It is happy to even drive 12 ohm load. To get the power at any of the tested impedances, simply follow the formula power=voltage * voltage/impedance.

如图所示,SP400并不在意负载的变化。在12欧姆的负载下表现仍然优异。在任何测试的阻抗下,获得的功率,简单而言依照简单的方程 功率=电压 x 电压/阻抗

Switching to balanced mode we of course get more power and some small signs of strain appear:


Max output is now at 14.4 volts but gets reduced below 32 ohm. At 6 volts there is finally some clipping.


Note that because there is no clipping elsewhere, the SP400 is "gain limited" meaning it could have been pushed harder. But decision was made to give you absolutely clean and transparent power to max volume


Finally here, is our channel balance demonstrating the value of the R2R volume control:


SMSL SP400 Listening Tests

SMSL SP400 听觉测试

As usual I started my testing with Drop Ether CX low impedance headphone. The SP400 was cruising, driving this headphone with ease to incredibly high levels, causing neuron displacement in one's brain if you are not careful! There was no hint of distortion and extremely clean bass to treble response. Switching to Sennheiser HD650 had similar results with exceptional fidelity.

惯例,我使用Drop Ether CX这副低阻抗耳机开始i测试。SP400毫不费力地将这副耳机发挥地淋漓尽致,刷新听觉级的好!一点失真的迹象都没有,极度清晰的低音到高音。切换到森海塞尔德HD650,一样地好,极其保真。

I did hit a usability issue though that is common with R2R volume controls: they are slow to respond. You have to crank and crank the volume control to go from loud to average level. Wish they would add some kind of acceleration to the volume control and jump a bunch of steps when you rotate it fast.




We another state-of-the-art headphone amplifier in the form of SP-400 with some differentiation in the form of R2R volume control which also gives you volume control should you want to use it as pre-amp in far-field listening. More choices in instrument grade headphone amplifiers with superb fidelity and seemingly infinite power availability.


I am happy to put the SMSL SP400 on my recommended list.
